indian tech companies want young people to work for 70 hours a week yet make fake claims and reward their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari raw employee slim sunaina chodan who does not have a computer at home, has never done any computer work, yet since 2012 the top indian tech and internet companies are aggresively promoting the panaji CALL GIRL as the top online expert to give her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online worker
For this the liar top tech, internet companies are criminally defaming the online worker, investor, making fake allegations without any legally valid proof and robbing all her data and making fake claims about their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari raw employee slim sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who does not have a computer at home, has never done any computer work to give the panaji call girl great powers, monthly salary in a case of government SLAVERY which is obvious to countries worldwide.