Indicating the rampant CHEATING, EXPLOITATION, labor law violations in panaji, goa, hardworking older single women expected to do all the computer work in goa, let lazy liar young people who do not have the skills, do not spend the time get credit, government salaries
If the older single woman will protest against the ageism, criminal defamation of the government agencies, she is falsely labelled a security threat, her mental health is questioned for questioning goa government slavery
It is an indication of the lack of honesty, humanity in panaji society, that no one is questioning the goa government why it is encouraging and rewarding lazy liar young people, for making fake claims after stealing data, why young people do not do computer work themselves
Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan prefers a legal career due to brazen ageism in the indian internet sector
Though google, tata, indian tech and internet companies refuse to admit it, the brazen ageism in the indian internet sector, forcing older domain investors to agree to identity theft because they are not good looking, young has forced the single raw/cbi employees to consider a career in other sectors
In almost all other sectors, like medicine, engineering, law, a professional with twenty five years experience or more will get a higher hourly rate than a fresher, they are treated with respect, and crores of taxpayer money is not wasted for more than 11 years to force them to agree to identity theft.
Only in the indian internet sector, google, tata, indian internet companies are extremely ruthless in CHEATING, EXPLOITING, ROBBING older single woman domain investor, refusing to acknowledge the time and money she is spending, falsely giving credit and government salaries to lazy greedy well connected young frauds who do not spend any time and money, yet BRIBE the relevant officials to make fake claims
In all other industry sectors, PROFESSIONAL MISCONDUCT, FINANCIAL FRAUD would not be tolerated, only in the indian internet sector, google, tata, internet companies and government employees are extremely shameless and ruthless in PAMPERING, REWARDING lazy greedy young frauds, making fake claims about the young frauds who do no computer work at all for 11 years, while criminally defaming the older person spending time doing the computer work in the worst manner.
Though some of the google,tata sponsored frauds like Goan bhandari R&AW employee sunaina chodan are young at present, they are aware that 10-15 years later they will not be young, not be good looking and they do not want to spend their time getting experience in a sector where the greedy shameless LIAR FRAUD top companies like google, tata are worse than the african slave traders, nigerian fraudsters openly involved in a massive SEX, BRIBERY, CYBERCRIME, CRIMINAL DEFAMATION RACKET since 2010, to increase their million dollar profit, resulting in government slavery of older domain investors.
People who file age discrimination cases find it difficult to get jobs
In the USA, the older people form a large part of the population so it is easier for them to get justice
Hence a large number of people are filing age discrimination cases against their employer, winning the case and getting a settlement
However, the settlement they are getting is very less
Additionally the company against whom they file the case, will ensure that they do not get any job in future
SHAMELESS LIAR Panaji sindhi scammer brothers raw/cbi employees nikhil, karan premchandani biggest beneficiaries of NTRO/raw/cbi fraud on goa 1989 jee topper
Though the shameless SHAMELESS LIAR Panaji sindhi scammer brothers raw/cbi employees nikhil, karan premchandani never did any computer, writing work at all, never invested any money in domains in their life, they are getting monthly government salaries for making FAKE CLAIMS, CYBERCRIME making them the biggest beneficiaries of NTRO/raw/cbi fraud on goa 1989 jee topper, single woman engineer since 2012
The indian and goan government are blindly believing in the complete lies of the fraud R&AW/ntro employees tushar parekh, nikhil sha, parmar, who are falsely claiming to help the domain investor, who they actually HATE, so that they can get monthly government salaries for their real girlfriend, the kolhapur born sindhi scammer school dropout naina premchandani who looks like actress sneha wagh, her scammer sons nikhil, karan premchandani who are getting monthly raw/cbi salaries for faking their resume, savings, computer work, domain investment
The real domain investor, single woman engineer can easily prove that she has never contacted the ntro/raw employees and they have no connection with her, yet the indian and goan government continues to repeat the lies, in a clear case of government slavery, which the mainstream media, indian internet sector refuses to acknowledge forcing the real domain investor to waste her time daily