Hardworking older single woman professionals are victims of skills fraud, criminal defamation of government agencies, especially security agencies who are falsely labelling them a security threat for protesting against the skills, financial fraud
Kindly note that no government employees, their lazy greed;y fraud girlfriends and associates are NOT connected with the website in any way, since they do not invest any money on websites and do not spend any time doing computer work, though the the government agencies, dishonest liar indian tech and internet companies have been running the world’s greatest work at home fraud since 2010. Most housewives, young people do not even know how to shut a website as shown in https://consumercomplaintscourt.com/complaint-against-stylofebric-in-for-fraud/, have poor written english skills https://collegedunia.com/reviews/198604-nikhil-chandwani-review-on-st-xaviers-college-bardez
yet the government agencies continue to make fake claims that these housewives, young people with no website management, english writing skills are online experts, excellent english writers, owning this and websites to pay them monthly government salaries while criminally defaming the real writer, domain investor and webmaster as idle and having no skills, no income in a clear case of government slavery.
Young people are complaining when they are cheated of a small amount like Rs 400 online, yet when the government agencies especially security agencies , fraud top indian tech and internet companies have cheated the domain investor of Rs 15 lakh annually since 2010, with their fake stories of domain ownership,online income, computer, writing work, the domain investor is falsely labelled a security threat for complaining about the multi-crore financial fraud of government agencies,top tech and internet companies.