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Greedy goan fraud government employees robber riddhi siddhi sunaina now allegedly encouraging other lazy greedy young people to rob hardworking single woman engineer

If young people want to work online, they are free to use their own online, bank account, spend their time and money
yet in one of the most horrific human rights abuses of the government employees allegedly from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, allegedly puneet, j srinivasan, tushar parekh these shameless greedy cheaters, liars allegedly hacked all the devices, robbed the data of their hardworking female classmate, single woman engineer to make fake claims about their lazy greedy real girlfriends allegedly haryana cheater ruchika kinger, bengaluru brahmin cheater housewife nayanshree hathwar, sunaina dhond, siddhi mandrekar, asmita patel, indore cheater deepika/veena, goan gsb fraud housewife robber riddhi nayak caro, naina chandwani, her sons karan, nikhil and others who do not do computer work, do not pay domain renewal and other expenses, own this and other domains, of the single woman engineer, private citizen, migrant from north karnataka.
Though greedy goan liar sunaina dhond openly boasted that she did not have a computer at home, her liar sugar daddies abused their powers, to allegedly rob data dupe countries, companies worldwide that cheater sunaina, who did not do online work, does not pay expenses was the online investor to get her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the single woman engineer in a case of slavery, financial fraud since 2012.
Thought the bank details will legally prove that greedy goan liar sunaina dhond did not have any online income till end october 2024 like ruchika kinger, the liar indian tech and internet continue to allegedly reward greedy goan liar sunaina dhond for faking online income, domain ownership, and sunaina is also allegedly encouraging greedy liar young frauds in hubli to emulate her massive online,financial fraud, slavery racket.
The domain investor finds that her hescom electricity bill for december is missing and some young woman had kept her footwear in the engineers property.

Top tech, internet companies supporting greedy lazy liar young frauds in ROBBING data of older online workers, investors to make fake claims, get government salary

In all industry sectors workers are being paid for they do spending their time. Though they make millions of dollars in profit, top indian tech and internet companies allegedly led by google, are running one of the most brutal SLAVERY rackets, financial frauds on online investors, workers, ROBBING their data to make fake claims about the lazy greedy real girlfriends of the top indian government employees to get them great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online investor, worker who is making great losses.

Additionally indicating widespread social injustice,top tech, internet companies are supporting greedy lazy liar young frauds in ROBBING data of older online workers, investors to make fake claims, get government salary while the online worker, investor whose data is ROBBED by the young fraud government employees is criminally defamed as lazy and idle when actually the ROBBER young fraud government employees are actually lazy liars, idle and refuse to open their own online, paypal account.

timebucks records proof of massive online fraud, of lazy greedy young cheaters in metro city

Indian tech and internet companies are extremely ruthless in criminally defaming online workers, investors after robbing their data and falsely giving goan call girls, cheater housewives and other young frauds,credit, monthly government salary at the expense of the online investor, who is making great losses because of the government criminal defamation, slavery and financial fraud.
Everywhere the domain investor, migrant from north karnataka goes, the cheater liar government agencies are falsely giving one or more lazy greedy young fraud who does not spend time and money credit, while criminally defaming the domain investor, refusing to acknowledge the time and money she spends, denying her a life of dignity.
The domain investor has got the best hardware in mumbai since she is living in mumbai for personal reasons like her retaining her savings, so she can run most of money making programs on her computer. Yet the liar local officials, leaders are falsely giving credit to a teen mother, short slim fraud married architect telugu trisha, who do not spend money on hardware, internet connection, time on installing and running the software while criminally defaming the single woman engineer as idle, not having income.
When the domain investor is not in mumbai, she cannot access the computer, so she cannot run engagedhits and the payment is not credited to the timebucks account. If the local leaders, officials favorite young frauds were actually doing the timebucks work, the payment for engagedhits should have credited even when the domain investor was not in mumbai for 8 days,.
In reality, the internet, tech sector is extremely ruthless in its fraud on older single online workers, investors so they refuse to acknowledge the work she does, are always criminally defaming, cheating, exploiting, robbing her to falsely give lazy greedy young frauds credit, monthly government salary at her expense while she makes great losses and is denied a life of dignity.

Rewarding of lazy liar greedy young frauds faking computer work makes it difficult for professionals to relocate to smaller cities,towns

The mainstream media has extensively carried the news of how Infosys is offering incentives of upto 8 lakh to professionals/ employees for relocating to its development centre in hubli.
The real reason why employees of reputed companies, experienced professionals do not wish to relocate to smaller cities, towns is because they are CRIMINALLY DEFAMED to ROB their resume, data so that the lazy greedy fraud relatives and friends of top government officials can get lucrative central government jobs with their robbed resume, data and the professional is treated like a slaver,makes great losses,and is denied a life of dignity.
Though the domain investor is an experienced engineer and was doing all the computer work, paying all the expenses as part of the massive government SLAVERY,FINANCIAL FRAUD racket of the liar tech, internet companies, she was criminally defamed with the LIAR top tech, internet companies falsely claiming that panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who does not even have a computer at home , siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani , her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil and other frauds who do not do any computer work, are online experts, domain investors to get all these frauds great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the domain investor in a case of government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD which can be legally proved checking the bank records, pan number of pune’s BANKING FRAUDSTER bank manager sindhi scammer nikhil premchandani, and other fraud raw/cbi employees
Though the domain investor has left goa for almost three years,india’s dishonest greedy fraud tech, internet companies , government agencies raw/cbi, greedy goans, scammer sindhis, continue their massive ONLINE, FINANCIAL FRAUD, SLAVERY and are recruiting new lazy greedy young fraudster like adya for FAKING computer work, when the young fraudsters are mainly studying and do not do any computer work at all
The endless criminal defamation, humiliation of online workers, investors in smaller cities and towns to reward lazy greedy younger fraudsters like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan who does not even have a computer at home , siddhi mandrekar, goan gsb fraud housewife ROBBER riddhi nayak caro, sindhi school dropout naina premchandani , her scammer sons karan, pune axe bank manager nikhil and now adya in hubli shows why experienced hardworking professionals do not wish to relocate to smaller cities, towns where they are criminally defamed with lazy greedy young frauds like sindhi scammers karan, nikhil,naina, goan frauds riddhi siddhi sunaina, and now adya being rewarded by the local officials/leaders though the greedy lazy liar young frauds do not do any computer work at all.
A wifi hacking network is being used by the fraud tech, internet companies in both metro cities and smaller cities, towns to rob the data of the online workers, investors and make fake claims about lazy greedy young frauds, who get government jobs for making fake claims in a case of government FRAUD, SLAVERY, indicating the lack of social justice in india.

Teen mother another lazy greedy young fraud faking computer work at home

Indian tech, internet companies are losing orders because of their massive financial fraud on online workers, investors, criminally defaming them, robbing their data to make fake claims about lazy greedy young frauds who do not spend time doing computer work,.
In addition to short slim married architect telugu trisha, another young lazy greedy fraud faking computer work is a young slim teen mother
Whenever the domain investor is in a metro city, the young teen mother is always stalking her indicating that fake rumors are spread about the young slim mother who is usually wearing a tshirt and ties her hair in a ponytail.
The tech, internet companies slavery of making fake claims about lazy greedy young frauds leads to resentment and complaints from online workers who are cheated, exploited, robbed, denied them a life of dignity.

Due to government policy of rewarding young frauds faking online work, crypto deposits not credited in indian exchanges

Ageism levels in the indian tech and internet sector are very high, with government agencies making fake claims about young frauds faking online income, investment to waste taxpayer money paying them monthly government salary, while the data of older online workers spending their time, is robbed, in a case of government SLAVERY, financial fraud.
For example like Greedy goan CALL GIRL raw employees siddhi mandrekar, goan bhandari sunaina chodan, sindhi scammer pune axe bank manager nikhil premchandani never did computer work, has no online income and has never paid expenses. Yet because his school dropout mother naina premchandani has seduced and controls 4 top indian government employees parmar, nikhil shah, tushar parekh, puneet from the btech 1993 class of iit bombay, the sindhi scammer nikhil has got great powers, monthly government salary for faking online income, online account, online payment of expenses using the robbed data of a hardworking single woman engineer .
One of the major problems which the government agencies rewarding young frauds fail to acknowledge is that the young frauds lack experience. Though raw falsely claims that sindhi scammer nikhil is very experienced, to justify the great powers, monthly salary he is getting, in reality the sindhi scammer raw employee nikhil premchandani has very limited experience, uses robbed data and has only dealt with indian customers.
Due to the indian government policy of rewarding young frauds for faking online income, the experienced online workers, investors are finding it difficult to get any paid work in india, through paypal. So they are forced to work for businesses outside india who pay in crypto. Binance was popular in india, because they would credit the account immediately without asking for documents or additional information.
Now indian exchanges are asking for the PAN number, driving license or passport details of the sender. The online businesses are paying a large number of online workers, and cannot provide the PAN number, driving license or passport details of the sender. For paypal payment, the sender does not have to provide the PAN number, driving license or passport details of the sender, yet the indian crypto exchanges have limited experience, so they are demanding the documents.
They do not realize that indian citizens are receiving crypto as payment for services provided to businesses outside india and they are not verifying the crypto deposit. While trading is extremely popular, there are a large number of online workers, who have almost no other opportunities and are forced to do crypto work and receive payment in crypto from multiple sources.

Young fraudsters like architect telugu trisha and their relatives will pay maidservants , yet refuse to acknowledge the online workers whose data they rob

Young fraudsters like architect telugu trisha and their relatives will pay maidservants , yet refuse to acknowledge the online workers whose data they rob to make fake claims
The government agencies are openly involved in online fraud, SLAVERY falsely claiming that Young fraudsters like married architect telugu trisha who do no computer work, are online experts to give them great powers, monthly salary in some cases.
The Young fraudsters like architect telugu trisha and their relatives will pay maidservants for the work they do in their house spending their time, often the maidservants are spotted entering and leave the relatives house where the wifi hacking equipment was installed
Yet showing how ruthless top tech, internet companies are in their work at home fraud, online slavery, they will refuse to acknowledge the older online worker spending her time daily, instead robbing all her data, criminally defaming her, and then falsely claiming that their favorite fraudster married architect telugu trisha who does not spend time, is doing the computer work, to give her great powers, which are causing losses to the real online worker.
For example the online worker could not redeem her SBI credit card rewards points since fraud architect accenture employee married telugu trisha allegedly blocked the redemption abusing the powers she was given.

Government policy of rewarding LIAR young fraudsters like telugu trisha faking computer work forces online workers, investors to relocate

The greedy LIAR married accenture employee short slim architect telugu trisha had never done any computer work at all, does not pay any expenses.
Yet as part of the never ending frauds of the liar top tech and internet companies, government employees in the internet sector, just because sophisticated hacking equipment was installed in the house of accenture employee short slim architect telugu trisha’s relative to rob data from the domain investor, the liar government agency made fake claims about telugu trisha to give her great powers at the expense of the hardworking domain investor
Greedy cunning cheater architect telugu trisha abused these powers faked sbi credit card ownership and did not allow the domain investor to redeem her sbi credit card points.
Since the dishonest LIAR tech, internet companies, government agencies continue to reward the greedy LIAR married young accenture employee short slim architect telugu trisha for cybercrime, making fake claims, the domain investor who is victim of government SLAVERY is relocating for some time, which exposes the cybercrime racket, computer work fraud of telugu trisha .

Top indian tech companies want young people to work 70 hours a week yet reward their pet panaji CALL GIRL raw employee sunaina chodan who never did computer work anytime

indian tech companies want young people to work for 70 hours a week yet make fake claims and reward their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari raw employee slim sunaina chodan who does not have a computer at home, has never done any computer work, yet since 2012 the top indian tech and internet companies are aggresively promoting the panaji CALL GIRL as the top online expert to give her great powers, monthly government salary at the expense of the online worker
For this the liar top tech, internet companies are criminally defaming the online worker, investor, making fake allegations without any legally valid proof and robbing all her data and making fake claims about their pet panaji prostitute goan bhandari raw employee slim sunaina chodan, greedy gujju stock trader amita patel who does not have a computer at home, has never done any computer work to give the panaji call girl great powers, monthly salary in a case of government SLAVERY which is obvious to countries worldwide.

Older workers in all other sectors get paid, only internet, tech sector is vicious in its SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on older online workers

Offline there are a large number of older workers in their fifties and sixties , they drive autorickshaws, taxis, work in shops, offices and factories. In all other industries sectors the companies and government agencies will acknowledge that they are doing work spending their time, so that they can lead a life of dignity, their mental health is not questioned .
Only in the indian internet sector, the top tech, internet companies, government agencies are extremely vicious in the government SLAVERY, FINANCIAL FRAUD on older online workers, investors, refusing to acknowledge the time and money they are spending, instead belittling the older workers, and falsely giving credit and monthly salaries to various lazy liar young frauds like panaji goan bhandari CALL GIRL sunaina chodan, with fraud accenture employee short slim telugu trisha being the latest young fraud who is faking computer work, using robbed data.
The government agencies are aware that there are plenty of opportunities for young people and they are not doing any kind of computer work at all, yet showing how they are openly involved in SLAVERY of older online workers, they are abusing their powers, to DUPE people, companies and countries with fake stories of domain ownership, online income, computer work, while criminally defaming the older online workers.